Reflective Coffee

Enjoying his coffee in Oxford.

Bus Stop

People wait for the bus in different ways, Oxford.


A shopper in the Oracle Centre, Reading.

Black and White

Solid colours and stripes, outside of the Oracle Centre, Reading.

Choosing Dinner

A couple illuminated by the menu of a restaurant in China Town, London.


A pair of gentlemen enjoying a drink and cigarette outside a pub in Soho, London.

Not Ugly

A young couple outside a bar/restaurant in Soho, London. Keeping warm and being illuminated by the heater.

Reflections One

A restaurant worker enjoying a break while life carries on behind him in both the real and the reflected world.

Reflections Two

Not sure what's real and what's not in this London shot.

Don't look now

The passer by appeared oblivious to the giant nurgle watching him. Games Workshop window in London.

Sharing is Caring

At least one of this pair are enjoying lunch outside of the Westgate shopping centre in Oxford.

Pillars of Shade

Relaxing in the shelter of this collenade in Bath.


Looking at and into the vastness of the turbine hall in the Tate Modern in London.


Amongst the movement in the Covered Market in Oxford, this tourist was still.

Ice Cream

Who amongst us doesn't enjoy a nice ice-cream cone on a hot day. Radcliffe Square, Oxford.

Your name is not down ...

... so you aren't coming in. Porter at Christ Church College, Oxford.

Reflections Three

Dapper man in shop window, Manchester.

Opinions may Vary

A protester in Oxford approaching passers by on Haymarket.


Anything is comfortable when you're tired enough, Soho, London.


A selfie taker attempts to make his partner seem like she wants to be there in the Natural History Museum in London.

Basket case

Many baskets, not so much happiness.

British Eccentricity

Taken at the anti-Brexit march in London, near Parliament Square.